cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube

car·ti·lag·i·nous part of pharyngotympanic (au·di·to·ry) tube

that portion of the auditory tube that is supported by cartilage; it continues anteromedially from the osseous part to open into the nasopharynx. Synonym(s): pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae [TA], pars cartilaginea tubae auditoriae

car·ti·lag·i·nous part of phar·yn·go·tym·pan·ic (au·di·to·ry) tube

(kahrti-laji-nŭs pahrt fă-ringgō-tim-panik awdi-tōr-ē tūb) Portion of auditory tube supported by cartilage; continues anteromedially from osseous part to open into the nasopharynx.