Crampton test

Cramp·ton test

(kramp'tŏn), a test for physical condition and resistance; a record is made of the pulse and the blood pressure in the recumbent and standing positions, and the difference is graded from the theoretic perfection of 100 (seldom attained) downward (a reading of 75 is considered excellent, 65 poor); high values indicate a good physical resistance but low ones indicate a nonconditioned state.

Cramp·ton test

(kramp'tŏn test) A test for physical condition and resistance; a record is made of the pulse and the blood pressure in the recumbent and in the standing positions, and the difference is graded from the theoretic perfection of 100 (seldom attained) downward (a reading of 75 is considered excellent, 65 poor).


Charles Ward, U.S. physician, 1877–. Crampton test - a test for physical condition and resistance.