Bowman capsule

glo·mer·u·lar cap·sule

[TA] the expanded beginning of a nephron composed of inner and outer layers: the visceral layer consists of podocytes that surround a tuft of capillaries (glomerulus); the parietal layer is simple squamous epithelium that becomes cuboid at the tubular pole. Synonym(s): Bowman capsule, capsula glomeruli, malpighian capsule (1) , Müller capsule


, pl. glomeruli (glō-meryū-lŭs, -lī) 1. A plexus of capillaries. 2. A tuft formed of capillary loops at the beginning of each nephric tubule in the kidney; this tuft with its capsule constitutes the renal corpusculum (malpighian body). 3. The twisted secretory portion of a sweat gland. 4. A cluster of dendritic ramifications and axon terminals forming a complex synaptic relationship and surrounded by a glial sheath.
Synonym(s): Bowman capsule, glomerule.
[Mod. L. dim. of L. glomus, a ball of yarn]


Sir William, English ophthalmologist, anatomist, and physiologist, 1816-1892. Bowman capsule - the expanded beginning of a nephron. Synonym(s): glomerular capsuleBowman disk - disk resulting from transverse segmentation of striated muscular fiber treated with weak acids, certain alkaline solutions, or freezing.Bowman eye knifeBowman glandBowman iris needleBowman iris scissorsBowman lacrimal dilatorBowman lacrimal probeBowman membrane - Synonym(s): anterior limiting layer of corneaBowman muscle - Synonym(s): ciliary muscleBowman probe - a double-ended probe for the lacrimal duct.Bowman space - the slitlike space between the visceral and parietal layers of the capsule of the renal corpuscle. Synonym(s): capsular spaceBowman strabismus scissorsBowman theory - that urine is formed by passive filtration through the glomeruli and secretion by the epithelium of the tubules.


, pl. glomeruli (glō-meryū-lŭs, -lī) 1. A plexus of capillaries. 2. A tuft formed of capillary loops at the beginning of each nephric tubule in the kidney. 3. The twisted secretory portion of a sweat gland.
Synonym(s): Bowman capsule.
[Mod. L. dim. of L. glomus, a ball of yarn]