释义 |
-cide(word root) killExamples of words with the root -cide: homicide-cidesuff.1. Killer: bactericide.2. Act of killing: ecocide. [Middle English, from Old French (from Latin -cīda, killer) and from Latin -cīdium, killing, both from caedere, to strike, kill; see kaə-id- in Indo-European roots.]-cide n combining form 1. indicating a person or thing that kills: insecticide. 2. (Law) indicating a killing; murder: homicide. [from Latin -cīda (agent), -cīdium (act), from caedere to kill] -cidal adj combining form-cide a combining form meaning “a person or thing that kills” or “the act of killing” that specified by the initial element: homicide; pesticide. [late Middle English < Latin -cīda killer <caedere to cut down, kill] -cide A suffix that means "a killer of." It is used to form the names of chemicals that kill a specified organism, such as pesticide, a chemical that kills pests.-cide
-cide word element [L.], destruction or killing (homicide); an agent that kills or destroys (germicide). adj., adj -ci´dal.-cide (sīd), A word ending denoting an agent that kills (for example, insecticide), or the act of killing (for example, suicide). [L. -cida, -cidium, fr. caedo,to kill] -cide , -cidoCombining forms denoting an agent that kills (e.g., insecticide), or the act of killing (e.g., suicide). [L. -cida,-cidium, fr. caedo, to kill] |