Erico Veríssimo
Veríssimo, Erico
Born Jan. 17, 1905. Brazilian writer, author of social-psychological novels such as Crossroads (1935), A Place in the Sun (1936), Saga (1940), which deals with the part played by Brazilians in the Spanish Civil War, and the two-part historical work Time and the Wind (1949-1962), about life in the southern states of Brazil. In his novels The Rest Is Silence (1943) and Night (1954), Freud’s influence can be discerned. The novels Mr. Ambassador (1965; Russian translation, 1969) and The Prisoner (1967; Russian translation, 1970), expose United States expansionist policy in Latin America and Asia. He also wrote Essay on Brazilian Literature (1945), children’s books, and travel notes.
Ficçāo completa, vols. 1-5. Rio de Janeiro, 1966-67.In Russian translation:
“Most.” In Brazil’skaia novella. Moscow, 1968.
Gospodin Posol. Moscow, 1969.
Bruno, H. Estudios da literatura brasileira. Rio de Janeiro, 1957.I. A. TERTERIAN