Crane Creek State Park

Crane Creek State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Ohio
Location:16 miles from Toledo, in the north central part of the state.
Facilities:Picnic areas, picnic shelter, boardwalk (é), swimming beach.
Activities:Boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, hunting, snowmobiling, ice fishing.
Special Features:The Crane Creek area was originally part of the Great Black Swamp, a flat plain 120 miles long and 30 to 40 miles wide. Drainage and lumbering nearly wiped out the swamp as it became an agricultural area. Today the park consists of beach and marshlands adjoining the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area and the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.
Address:13531 W State Rt 2
Oak Harbor, OH 43449

Size: 42 acres.

See other parks in Ohio.