Cieplice Slaskie Zdrój
Cieplice Śląskie Zdrój
a balneoclimatic health resort in Poland, in Jelenia Góra Województwo. It is located in the Jelenia Góra basin, in western Sudeten, at an elevation of 350 m, southwest of the city of Jelenia Góra. Winters are mild, with an average January temperature of –3.7°C, and summers are warm, with an average July temperature of about 16°C. Annual precipitation is approximately 700 mm. Cieplice Sląskie Zdrój has six mineral springs with a temperature reaching 42°C; their sulfatebicarbonate-chloride-sodium water, which also contains silicic acid, is used for swimming pools, bathing, irrigation, inhalation, and drinking. Peat treatment is also offered. Persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems are treated, as well as those suffering from gynecological disorders. The resort has a balneological and pelotherapy clinic and sanatoriums.