Casal necklace

Ca·sal neck·lace

(kah-sahl'), a dermatitis partly or completely encircling the lower part of the neck in pellagra.

Ca·sal necklace

(kah-sahl' nek'lăs) A dermatitis partly or completely encircling the lower part of the neck in pellagra.

Casal necklace

[Gaspar Casal, Sp. physician, 1691–1759] Bilaterally symmetrical lesions of the neck that represent a portion of the skin's involvement in pellagra. The lesions begin as erythemas and progress to vesiculation and crusting.


Gasper, Spanish physician, 1691-1759. Casal collar - Synonym(s): Casal necklaceCasal necklace - a dermatitis partly or completely encircling the lower part of the neck in pellagra. Synonym(s): Casal collar