Acronym | Definition |
FIPP➣Financial Institution Partnership Program (US Department of Energy) |
FIPP➣Financière et Industrielle de Pétrole et de Pharmacie (French: Financial and Industrial Oil & Pharmacy) |
FIPP➣Fédération Internationale de la Presse Périodique (International Federation of the Periodical Press) |
FIPP➣Fodormik's Integrated Paradigm for Psychology |
FIPP➣Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice |
FIPP➣Fair Information Practice Principles |
FIPP➣Family Infant and Preschool Program |
FIPP➣Faculty in Progress Program |
FIPP➣Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (UK) |
FIPP➣Franklin India Prima Plus (India) |
FIPP➣Faculty Innovations Profile Project |
FIPP➣Forest Institute of Professional Psychology |
FIPP➣Formed-In-Place Pipe |
FIPP➣Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection (Canada) |
FIPP➣Families in Partnership Program |
FIPP➣Friends of India Point Park (Providence, RI) |
FIPP➣Federal Interworking Procurement Panel |
FIPP➣Federal Immigration Prosecution Project (Utah) |
FIPP➣Fabrication Inspection Process Procedures |
FIPP➣Firestop Installation Permit Program |
FIPP➣Fraudulent Identity Prevention Program |
FIPP➣Faculty-Initiated Projects and Programs |
FIPP➣Fredonia Installment Payment Plan |
FIPP➣Fellow of the Institute of Payroll Professionals (UK) |