FIPPFinancial Institution Partnership Program (US Department of Energy)
FIPPFinancière et Industrielle de Pétrole et de Pharmacie (French: Financial and Industrial Oil & Pharmacy)
FIPPFédération Internationale de la Presse Périodique (International Federation of the Periodical Press)
FIPPFodormik's Integrated Paradigm for Psychology
FIPPFellow of Interventional Pain Practice
FIPPFair Information Practice Principles
FIPPFamily Infant and Preschool Program
FIPPFaculty in Progress Program
FIPPFaculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (UK)
FIPPFranklin India Prima Plus (India)
FIPPFaculty Innovations Profile Project
FIPPForest Institute of Professional Psychology
FIPPFormed-In-Place Pipe
FIPPFreedom of Information and Privacy Protection (Canada)
FIPPFamilies in Partnership Program
FIPPFriends of India Point Park (Providence, RI)
FIPPFederal Interworking Procurement Panel
FIPPFederal Immigration Prosecution Project (Utah)
FIPPFabrication Inspection Process Procedures
FIPPFirestop Installation Permit Program
FIPPFraudulent Identity Prevention Program
FIPPFaculty-Initiated Projects and Programs
FIPPFredonia Installment Payment Plan
FIPPFellow of the Institute of Payroll Professionals (UK)