Acronym | Definition |
CIL➣Community Infrastructure Levy (various locations) |
CIL➣Coal India Limited |
CIL➣Common Intermediate Language (Microsoft) |
CIL➣Carbon in Leach (gold mining) |
CIL➣Center for Independent Living |
CIL➣Canadian Industries Limited |
CIL➣Cash in Lieu (stock transactions) |
CIL➣Certificate in Lieu Of |
CIL➣Cummins India Ltd. (Kothrud, Pune, India) |
CIL➣Comité Interprofessionnel du Logement (French: Interprofessional Housing Committee) |
CIL➣Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum |
CIL➣Clip Gallery |
CIL➣Changes in Latitude (Travel store) |
CIL➣Component Integration Laboratories |
CIL➣Crazy in Love |
CIL➣Customary International Law |
CIL➣Compare Infobase Limited (India) |
CIL➣Clean, Inspect, Lubricate (manufacturing) |
CIL➣Critical Item List (US DoD) |
CIL➣Cyanide in Leaching (mineral processing) |
CIL➣Commissioners of Irish Lights (radio navigation) |
CIL➣Correspondants Informatique et Libertés (French: Corresponding Data Protection) |
CIL➣Center for Interactive Learning |
CIL➣Central Identification Lab |
CIL➣Communications in Information Literacy (journal) |
CIL➣Centre International des Langues (French: International Language Center) |
CIL➣Center for Intergenerational Learning (Temple University; Philadelphia, PA) |
CIL➣Corpo Italiano Di Liberazione |
CIL➣Cycle International Long (French education program) |
CIL➣Center for Integrative Leadership (Minnesota) |
CIL➣Clinical Immunology Laboratory (various locations) |
CIL➣Cousin-In-Law |
CIL➣Computational Intelligence Laboratory |
CIL➣Calcetto International League (table football organization) |
CIL➣Certified Institutional Locksmith (Institutional Locksmiths' Association) |
CIL➣Centre d'Initiatives Locales (French: Center for Local Initiatives) |
CIL➣CAPSL Intermediate Language |
CIL➣Community Information Line |
CIL➣Contro Interpreter Language (Honeywell) |
CIL➣Centre for Innovative Leadership |
CIL➣Critical Information List |
CIL➣Computer Integrated Logistics |
CIL➣Comments In-Line |
CIL➣Command Information Library |
CIL➣Curriculum & Instructional Leadership |
CIL➣Computer Inoperative Limits |
CIL➣Confidence Interval Length |
CIL➣Configuration Identification List |
CIL➣Coleambally Irrigation Limited |
CIL➣Club Informatique du Langonnais (French: Computer Club of Langon; Langon, France) |
CIL➣Chef d'Incident Local |
CIL➣Channel Inter-Leaver/Inter-Leaving |
CIL➣Cleared Items List |
CIL➣Convertisseur d'Images par Lots (French: Batch Image Converter) |
CIL➣Computer-In-Loop (aerospace) |
CIL➣Chronic Inflammatory Lesion |
CIL➣Cephalo-Iliac Left |
CIL➣Cell Interfering List |
CIL➣Chronic Ileal Lesion |