

单词 craniopharyngioma





[¦krā·nē·ō·fə‚rin·jē′ō·mə] (medicine) An epithelial tumor of the craniopharyngeal canal, usually in children.



 [kra″ne-o-fah-rin″je-o´mah] a tumor arising from cell rests derived from pouch" >Rathke's pouch or some other part of the pituitary gland, often destroying the gland and causing deficits of the pituitary hormones.


(krā'nē-ō-fă-rin'jē-ō'mă), A suprasellar neoplasm that may be cystic; develops from the nests of epithelium derived from Rathke pouch; the histologic pattern, similar to that observed in adamantinomas, consists of nesting of squamous epithelium bordered by radially arranged cells; frequently accompanied by calcium deposition; may occassionally have a papillary architecture microscopically. Synonym(s): Erdheim tumor, pituitary adamantinoma, pituitary ameloblastoma, Rathke pouch tumor, suprasellar cyst [cranio- + pharyngio- + -oma]


Neurology A benign 1º pituitary tumor that is often functionally active, secreting ↑ pituitary hormones–eg, hGH, causing gigantism–if prepubertal and acromegaly—in adults; they comprise < 5% of brain tumors of children Clinical Changed vision, headache, weight gain Treatment Surgery + RT. See Histologically benign.


(krā'nē-ō-făr-in'jē-ō'mă) A suprasellar neoplasm that develops from Rathke pouch; the histologic pattern consists of nesting of squamous epithelium bordered by radially arranged cells.
Synonym(s): Rathke pouch tumor.
[cranio- + pharyngio- + -oma]


A brain tumour affecting mainly children and arising from persistent primitive cells in the region of the pituitary gland. It causes headaches, visual field loss and delayed physical and mental development. Treatment is by surgical removal.


A tumor near the pituitary gland in the craniopharyngeal canal that often results in intracranial pressure.Mentioned in: Pituitary Dwarfism


Jakob, Austrian physician, 1874-1937. Erdheim disease - a disease of unknown cause that may be inherited and that predisposes to dissecting aneurysms. Synonym(s): cystic medial necrosisErdheim syndrome - acromegaly causing cervical stiffening and often associated with clavicular hypertrophy. Synonym(s): Scaglietti-Dagnini syndromeErdheim tumor - a suprasellar neoplasm, usually cystic, that develops from the nests of epithelium derived from Rathke pouch. Synonym(s): craniopharyngioma


Martin H., German anatomist, physiologist, and pathologist, 1793-1860. Rathke bundles - muscular bundles on the lining walls of the ventricles of the heart. Synonym(s): trabeculae carneaeRathke cleft cyst - an intrasellar or suprasellar cyst lined by cuboidal epithelium derived from remnants of Rathke pouch. Synonym(s): Rathke cystRathke columnRathke cyst - Synonym(s): Rathke cleft cystRathke diverticulum - a tubular outgrowth of ectoderm from the stomodeum of the embryo. Synonym(s): pituitary diverticulum; Rathke pocket; Rathke pouchRathke ductRathke fold - two fetal folds of mesoderm.Rathke pocket - Synonym(s): Rathke diverticulumRathke pouch - Synonym(s): Rathke diverticulumRathke pouch tumor - a suprasellar neoplasm, usually cystic, that develops from the nests of epithelium derived from Rathke pouch. Synonym(s): craniopharyngiomaRathke punch


(krā'nē-ō-făr-in'jē-ō'mă) A suprasellar neoplasm that develops from the Rathke pouch.
Synonym(s): Rathke pouch tumor.
[cranio- + pharyngio- + -oma]




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