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cranioscopy (ˌkreɪnɪˈɒskɒpɪ) n (Physiology) obsolete the study of the features of the human skullcranioscopythe observation, examination, and description of the human skull. — cranioscopist, n. — cranioscopic, cranioscopical, adj.See also: Headcranioscopy
cranioscopy[‚kra·nē′as·kə·pē] (medicine) Examination of the human skull. cranioscopy
cra·ni·os·co·py (krā'nē-os'kŏ-pē), Examination of the skull in the living subject for craniometric or diagnostic purposes. [cranio- + G. skopeō, to view] cranioscopy (krā″nē-ŏs′kō-pē) [″ + skopein, to examine] Endoscopic examination of intracranial structures. |