

单词 bda



abbreviation for (Dentistry) British Dental Association


battle damage assessment (BDA)

The timely and accurate estimate of damage resulting from the application of military force, either lethal or nonlethal, against a predetermined objective. BDA can be applied to the employment of all types of weapon systems (air, ground, naval, and special forces) throughout the range of military operations. BDA is primarily an intelligence responsibility with required inputs and coordination from the operators. BDA is composed of physical damage assessment, functional damage assessment, and target system assessment in respect to the degree of neutralization as well as the duration for which a facility has been rendered nonfunctional. This assessment is usually made on the basis of visual, photo, or electronic reconnaissance. Generally referred to as BDA.

damage assessment

The determination of the effect of all air attacks on targets (e.g., bombs, guided missiles, rockets, or strafing). Battle damage assessment comprises physical damage assessment, functional damage assessment, and target system assessment. It considers the degree of neutralization as well as the duration for which a facility has been rendered nonfunctional. This assessment is usually made on the basis of visual, photo, or electronic reconnaissance. Also called battle damage assessment, or BDA.



Abbreviation for:
balloon dilation angioplasty
beclomethosone diproprionate aerosol
biotinylated dextran amine
British Deaf Association (Medspeak-UK)
British Dental Association (Medspeak-UK)
British Diabetic Association (now Diabetes UK) (Medspeak-UK) 
British Dietetic Association (Medspeak-UK) 
British Dyslexia Association (Medspeak-UK)


Abbrev. for British Dental Association.


BDABattle Damage Assessment
BDABritish Dental Association
BDABlu-ray Disc Association
BDABundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (German: Confederation of German Employers' Associations)
BDABig Data Analytics (software)
BDABund Deutscher Architekten
BDABundesdenkmalamt Österreich (Austrian Federal Office for the Care of Monuments)
BDABritish Dyslexia Association
BDABritish Dietetic Association
BDABorland Database
BDABluray Disc Association
BDABritish Deaf Association
BDABroadcast Driver Architecture
BDABedienungsanleitung (German: User Manual)
BDABomb Damage Assessment
BDABangalore Development Authority
BDABroadcast Driver Architecture (Microsoft Windows technology that enables tuner drivers for digital reception)
BDABrick Development Association (UK)
BDABi-Directional Amplifier
BDABiotin Dextran Amine
BDABureau des Arts (French: Arts Bureau)
BDABritish Diabetic Association
BDABusiness for Diplomatic Action
BDABusiness Development Associate
BDABiological Data Analysis
BDABiblioteca Digital Andina (Digital Library of the Andean Community website)
BDABlonde d'Aquitaine (cattle breed)
BDABusiness Debtors Anonymous (self-help group)
BDABroadcast Designers Association
BDABrocade Distinguished Architect
BDABallet des Amériques (French: Ballet of the Americas)
BDABouffée Délirante Aiguë (French: Acute Delirium)
BDABachelor of Development Administration
BDABusiness Development Agency
BDABruce Dunlop & Associates (design agency; UK)
BDABensussen Deutsch Associates (German: Bensussen German Associates)
BDABuilding Design Advisor
BDABlack Deaf Advocates
BDABill Duffy Associates (sports management)
BDABulgarian Drug Agency
BDABoulevard des Airs (French band)
BDABlogueurs des Alpes (French: Alps Bloggers)
BDABelt Driven A Series (motorsport)
BDABoston Daily Advertiser (Boston, MA)
BDABattlefield Damage Assessment (less common)
BDABrowning Double Action (semi-automatic pistol)
BDABefore, During, After Operation Checks (US DoD)
BDABruce Davis Associates (design consultancy; UK)
BDABoulder Digital Arts (Boulder, CO)
BDABermuda/Hamilton, Bermuda - Kindley Airfield/Civil Air Terminal (Airport Code)
BDABritish Deming Association
BDABackup Drive Amplifier
BDABattle Dress Attire (Philippines)
BDABlack Dragon Army (World of Warcraft)
BDABig Dumb Alien
BDABeclomethasone Dipropionate Aerosol (aerosol treatment for chronic asthma)
BDABig Dumb Agency
BDABig Dumb Animal
BDABritish Decorators Association
BDABeth Din of America
BDABibliothèque Départementale de l'Aude (French: Aude County Library; Aude, France)
BDABlog des Avignonnais (French: Blog of Avignon; Avignon, France)
BDABlast Danger Area
BDABase de Données Avancées (French: Advanced Database)
BDABoom Drogue Adapter (aerial refueling)
BDABank Draft Authorization
BDABachelor of Dramatic Art
BDABermuda Tracking Station (NASA STDN)
BDABalanced Degree Allocation
BDABenzophenone Dicarboxylic Acid
BDABelgian Driving Association
BDABarbados Draughts Association
BDABeneficiary Designation Account (inherited IRA account)
BDABusiness Domain Architecture
BDABerufsverband Deutscher Anästhesisten eV
BDABroadband Distribution Amplifier
BDABrigade Design Analysis
BDABlatant Display of Affection




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