Devil's Millhopper Geological State Park

Devil's Millhopper Geological State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:2 miles northwest of Gainesville, off SR 232.
Facilities:Picnic area, visitor center, nature trails (including a boardwalk system that descends to the bottom of the Devil's Millhopper).
Activities:Picnicking, wildlife viewing, guided tours.
Special Features:Designated a National Natural Landmark, Devil's Millhopper is asignificant geological formation that has been visited since the early1880s. It is a bowl-shaped cavity 120 feet deep that leads down to aminiature rainforest. Researchers have learned a great deal aboutFlorida's natural history by studying fossil shark teeth, marineshells, and the fossilized remains of extinct land animals found in thislimestone sinkhole.
Address:4732 Millhopper Rd
Gainesville, FL 32653

Size: 67 acres.

See other parks in Florida.