European Physical Society EPS
European Physical Society (EPS)
an association of scientific institutions and individuals, organized for the pur-pose of coordinating physical research, exchanging scientific information in the field of physics, and developing the teaching of physics in Europe. The society was organized on Sept. 26, 1968, in Geneva. According to the constitution of the EPS, members may be individuals, societies, groups, and laboratories from Europe, as well as from other countries if they have made a specific contribution to the development of physics in Europe (through scientific activities, financial contributions, and so on). In 1971, 26 scientific institutions from 24 countries, as well as 1,699 individuals, were members of the EPS. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR is a collective member of the EPS. Academicians L. A. Artsimovich and A. M. Prokhorov are individual members from the USSR.
The supreme administrative body of the EPS is the general assembly, which is convened at least once every three years. During the period between meetings of the general assembly, the operation of the EPS is directed by its council, which is convened at least once a year. The executive committee, which consists of 11 members, implements decisions made by the general assembly and the council. The Secretariat of the EPS (in Geneva) and a branch of the secretariat (in Prague) were created to deal with current administrative and financial issues. The main scientific activities of the EPS in various fields of physics are implemented by nine sections. A number of consultative committees have been organized for a fuller treatment of all aspects of physics. Financial resources of the EPS are drawn from dues contributed by each member, as well as from grants by private individuals and organizations. The EPS is in charge of the majority of European scientific conferences, symposia, and schools. Since 1970 it has published the information bulletin Europhysics News.