Behaim, Martin
Behaim, Behem, or Boeheim, Martin
(all: bā`hīm), b. 1436? or 1459?, d. 1506?, German traveler and cosmographer. He studied (possibly under Regiomontanus) astronomy, navigation, and mathematics. He went to Portugal as a merchant c.1480, and in 1486, he went to Fayal in the Azores. He is believed to have developed an astrolabe and other devices for the use of navigators, but is best known for the terrestrial globe that he made in 1492 and gave to his native city NurembergNuremberg, Ger. Nürnberg , city (1994 pop. 498,945), Bavaria, S Germany, on the Pegnitz River and the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal. One of the great historic cities of Germany, Nuremberg is now an important commercial, industrial, and transportation center.
..... Click the link for more information. (it is in the Germanic Museum there). The globe, however, is inaccurate and does not represent the best geographical information of the period.
Behaim, Martin
Born Oct. 6, 1459, in Nuremberg; died July 29, 1507, in Lisbon. German geographer and voyager.
In 1492, Behaim made the globe “Earth Apple,” which was 0.54 m in diameter and which reflected the geographical notions about the surface of the earth that existed on the eve of the discovery of the New World. His original was a map of the world based primarily on Ptolemy’s information. His globe is of the greatest historical and geographical value (on exhibition at the Nuremberg Museum).