

单词 divi-divi




D0304100 (dĭv′ē-dĭv′ē)n. pl. div·i-div·is 1. A small tree (Caesalpinia coriaria) in the pea family, native to the West Indies and South America, having compound leaves and long pods.2. Tannin extracted from the pods of this tree.
[Spanish dividivi, probably of Cariban origin.]


(ˌdɪvɪˈdɪvɪ) n, pl -divis or -divi1. (Plants) a tropical American leguminous tree, Caesalpinia coriaria2. (Tanning) the pods of this plant, which yield a substance used in tanning leather[C19: from Spanish, of Cariban origin]


(ˈdɪv iˈdɪv i)

n., pl. div•i-div•is, div•i-div•i. 1. a tropical American shrub or small tree, Caesalpinia coriaria, of the legume family. 2. the astringent pods of this plant, yielding tannin. [1825–35; < Sp < Carib]
Noun1.divi-divi - twisted seed pods of the divi-divi treedivi-divi - twisted seed pods of the divi-divi tree; source of tanninCaesalpinia coriaria, divi-divi - small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tanninbean - any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans
2.divi-divi - small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tanninCaesalpinia coriariaCaesalpinia, genus Caesalpinia - small spiny tropical trees or shrubs; includes the small genus or subgenus Poincianadivi-divi - twisted seed pods of the divi-divi tree; source of tannintree - a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms





the chestnut brown, spiral or S-shaped fruit of the tree Caesalpinia coriaria (family Caesalpiniaceae) in Central and South America. In Venezuela the fruit is called los dividivos. The middle part of the pericarp contains tannins (about 42 percent of its weight). Divi-divi is used chiefly for tanning leather and manufacturing. Also used for tanning leather is the straight or slightly twisted fruit of the tree C. paipae, called false divi-divi.


  • noun

Synonyms for divi-divi

noun twisted seed pods of the divi-divi tree

Related Words

  • Caesalpinia coriaria
  • divi-divi
  • bean

noun small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tannin


  • Caesalpinia coriaria

Related Words

  • Caesalpinia
  • genus Caesalpinia
  • divi-divi
  • tree




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