acrokeratosis verruciformis

acrokeratosis verruciformis

 [ak″ro-ker″ah-to´sis vĕ-roo″sĭ-for´mis] a hereditary dermatosis characterized by flat wartlike papules on the dorsal aspect of the hand, foot, elbow, and knee.

acrokeratosis verruciformis

An autosomal dominant MIM101900 condition characterised by warty hyperkeratotic papules, which has features of Darier-White disease.

acrokeratosis verruciformis

(ak″rō-ker″ă-tō′sis vĕ-roo′sĭ-for″mis) [acro- + keratosis + L. verruca, wart, -form] Hereditary disease of the skin characterized by warty growths on the extremities, principally on the backs of the hands and on the feet.