Acronym | Definition |
CIME➣Center for International Media Ethics (est. 2007) |
CIME➣Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises (OECD) |
CIME➣Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo |
CIME➣Certified Independent Medical Examiner (American Board of Independent Medical Examiners) |
CIME➣Centre Interdisciplinaire de Microscopie Electronique (French: Interdisciplinary Center of Electron Microscopy; Switzerland) |
CIME➣Coppell International Music Exchange (Coppell, TX) |
CIME➣Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering |
CIME➣Comitato Italiano Movimento Europeo (Italian: International Committee for European Migration) |
CIME➣Cursus Intégré pour la Mobilité des Étudiants (French: Integrated Curriculum for Student Mobility) |
CIME➣Creativity and Innovation in Micro-Enterprises (EU) |
CIME➣Central Institute on Mechanical Engineering |