Acronym | Definition |
BPH➣Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia |
BPH➣Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy |
BPH➣Beats Per Hour (watch movement terminology) |
BPH➣Bangkok Pattaya Hospital (Thailand) |
BPH➣Bank Przemyslowo Handlowy (Polish bank) |
BPH➣Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (library; Amsterdam; Netherlands) |
BPH➣Brown Planthopper |
BPH➣Bonnes Pratiques d'Hygiène (French: Good Hygienic Practices) |
BPH➣Board of Parole Hearings (Canada; also seen as BOPH) |
BPH➣Bureau of Public Health |
BPH➣Barrels Per Hour |
BPH➣Big Publishing House |
BPH➣Bachelor of Public Health |
BPH➣Bachelier en Philosophie (Bachelor of Philosophy) |
BPH➣Bachelor of Philosophy |
BPH➣Boiler or Process Heater |
BPH➣Birds Per Hour |
BPH➣Breakaway Piston Head (drilling industry) |
BPH➣BigPond Home (Telstra) |
BPH➣Benzaldehyde Phenylhydrazone (chemistry) |