Acronym | Definition |
BPN➣Badan Pertanahan Nasional (Indonesian: National Land Agency) |
BPN➣Banco Português de Negócios (Portuguese bank) |
BPN➣Berkeley Parents Network (est. 1993; Berkeley, CA) |
BPN➣Banca Popolare Di Novara (Italian bank) |
BPN➣Backpropagation Network |
BPN➣Business Preferred Network (various companies) |
BPN➣Business Partner Network |
BPN➣Best Practice Network |
BPN➣Bronchopneumonia (lungs) |
BPN➣Business Professional Network |
BPN➣Biopartnering North America |
BPN➣Business Process Network (supply chain execution) |
BPN➣Building Preservation Notice (UK) |
BPN➣Banque Populaire du Nord (French bank) |
BPN➣Black Peace Now (clothing brand in Japan) |
BPN➣Bureau Politique National (French: National Political Bureau; various nations) |
BPN➣British Pendulum Number (surface friction property) |
BPN➣Bloc Primaire Numérique |
BPN➣BulletProof Nerds (gaming community) |
BPN➣Business Partner Number |
BPN➣Bâtiments à Propulsion Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Powered Vessels) |
BPN➣Breakdown Pulse Noise |
BPN➣Brevard Professional Network |
BPN➣Budget Project Number |
BPN➣Boundary Point of Entry |
BPN➣Bibliothèque Provençale Numérique (French: Regional Digital Library) |
BPN➣National Land Affairs Agency of Indonesia |
BPN➣Binary Pseudo-Noise |
BPN➣Business Permit Number |
BPN➣Bobine de Point Neutre (French: Neutral Point Coil) |
BPN➣Brand Profilers Network (Geneva, Switzerland) |
BPN➣Bandwidth Preemption with Negotiation (architecture for MPLS networks) |
BPN➣Bloody Public Nuisance |