

单词 drp



(1) (Distribution and Replication Protocol) A W3C protocol for downloading only updated Web information (differential downloads). The website maintains an index of its files, including HTML pages, images and applications. The browser downloads the DRP index, which serves as a roadmap to the updated files when compared to the current index.

(2) (Disaster Recovery Planning) See disaster recovery.

(3) (Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor) An adaptive computing architecture from NEC Electronics (www.necel.com) that was introduced in 2003. See adaptive computing.



See: Dividend Reinvestment Plan

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

A practice or agreement in which dividends on a security are used to buy more of the same security rather than be disbursed to the investor in cash. A dividend reinvestment plan is relatively common in mutual funds; investors agree to use dividends and other capital gains to reinvest in more shares of the mutual fund. While this involves assuming more risk in the mutual fund, it carries the possibility of higher returns.


DRPDisaster Recovery Plan
DRPDegrees of Reading Power
DRPDivision of Radiation Protection
DRPDynamic Routing Protocol (computer protocol)
DRPDispute Resolution Panel (tax dispute resolution body; India)
DRPDividend Reinvestment Plan
DRPDirect Repair Program
DRPDynamically Reconfigurable Processor (NEC Electronics)
DRPDynamic Route Planning
DRPDigital Remaster Processing
DRPDynamic Regulating Program
DRPDistribution and Replication Protocol
DRPDispute Resolution Policy
DRPData Link Reconcile Pending
DRPDynamic Rear Proportioning
DRPData Recovery Procedure
DRPDirector Response Protocol
DRPDistribution Resource Planning
DRPDistribution Requirements Planning
DRPDr. Pepper
DRPDanube Regional Project (UNEP/GEF)
DRPDistributed Route Processor (Cisco)
DRPDanube River Protection
DRPDisaster Response Program (various locations)
DRPDeficit Reduction Plan (finance)
DRPDeutsche Reichspartei (German Empire Party)
DRPDispute Resolution Program (legal term)
DRPDebt Relief Plan
DRPDefault Risk Premium (finance)
DRPDividend Reinvestment Program
DRPDrug-Related Problem
DRPDihydropyrimidinase-Related Protein
DRPDisc Replacement Program (Microsoft)
DRPDigital RF Processor (Texas Instruments)
DRPDistribution and Replication Protocol (HTTP)
DRPData Recovery Plan
DRPDesign Review Panel
DRPDECnet Routing Protocol (DEC)
DRPDECnet Routing Protocol
DRPDharavi Redevelopment Project (India)
DRPDispersion Relation Preserving (scheme)
DRPDélégation Régionale Paritaire (Dutch: Joint Regional Delegation)
DRPDebt Reduction Planner
DRPDisease Reduction Programme (UK)
DRPDrainage Rhino-Pharyngé (French: Nose and Throat Drainage)
DRPDisclosure Reporting Page
DRPData Resources Program
DRPDirector Response Protocol (Cisco)
DRPDredging Research Program
DRPDay Rehabilitation Program (St. Christopher's Inn; New York)
DRPDeutsches Reichspatent (German Patent)
DRPDeutsche Reichspost (German mail system prior to 1948)
DRPDeveloper Readiness Program (Barone, Budge & Dominick Pty Ltd; South Africa)
DRPDigital Resource Planning (Twofish Elements)
DRPDésencombrement Rhino Pharyngé (French: Decluttering Rhino Pharyngeal)
DRPDetroit Radiant Products
DRPDead Reckoning Plotter (US Navy)
DRPDithered Relative Prime
DRPDarfur Rehabilitation Project (Newark, NJ)
DRPDead Reckoning Position (aviation)
DRPDeep Reconnaissance Platoon (US Marine Corps)
DRPDual Redundant Power
DRPDesign Review Program
DRPDesignated Repair Point
DRPDummy Ripcord Pull (parachuting, skydiving)
DRPDirect Requisitioning Procedure
DRPDefect Rectification Period
DRPDirectory Replication Protocol
DRPDemand Requirements Planning (inventory management)
DRPDynamic Route Planning (intelligent transportation systems)
DRPDesignated Rework Point (US Navy NAVAIR)
DRPDepot Refit Period
DRPDesign Review Package
DRPDrone Recovery Platform
DRPData Record/Playback CSCI
DRPDegraded Routing Protocol
DRPDual Recovery Program (treatment alternative to incarceration)
DRPDivision of Revenues Process (Bellcore)
DRPDetailed Review Plan
DRPDraft Requirements Package
DRPDisplay Request Panel
DRPDoctor of Religious Philosophy (degree; various universities)




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