case sensitive

case sensitive

case sensitivity

case sensitive

Distinguishing lower case from upper case. In a case sensitive language, "abc" is considered different data than "ABC." Windows is not case sensitive, thus, "Abc" is the same as "aBc."

However, the Linux/Unix world is case sensitive, and commands are typically named and spelled lower case (gzip, compress, pack, etc.). In order to reflect their usage, commands are generally documented in lower case, even if they appear as printed book titles and paragraph headers.

Is It a Linux or Windows Web Server?
To tell if a Web server is Linux/Unix or Windows, change the case of some of the letters in the directory or file name in a URL (not the domain name). If the page is retrieved, it is a Windows server. If not, it is Linux or Unix.

Windows Maintains Your Case
Although Windows is not case sensitive, it maintains the case of file and folder names for visual identification. However, the case does not matter when trying to find a file or run a program. For example, you can name your file "MyBudget.doc," and find it with "mybudget.doc."

Programs Often Convert Case
In order to compare data properly, in applications of all kinds on all platforms, it is common to convert user input and the data from the database to the same case before the comparison is performed.