cash flow statement

Cash Flow Statement

A statement every publicly-traded company must file with the SEC each quarter indicating all cash inflows and cash outflows from all sources, whether they are business activities or the company's investments. This is considered one indication among many of a company's financial health. A business activity may be reported as income if a company has agreed to a contract, even if no money has actually changed hands; a cash flow statement seeks to avoid this by showing how much cash the company has on hand. It is also called an application of funds statement.
FRS 1 cash flow statementFig. 19 FRS 1 cash flow statement.

cash flow statement

a statement which is included as part of a UK company's published annual report and accounts. The one used in the UK in 2002 is prepared in accordance with the provisions of FRS 1 (Financial Reporting Standard 1) . This shows where the finance came from and where it went out to during the period under review and helps to explain the movements in the cash and bank balances, as illustrated in Fig. 19. See also, FUNDS FLOW ANALYSIS, SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS STATEMENTS.