释义 |
cine- combining form (Film) indicating motion picture or cinema: cine camera; cinephotography. cin•e or cin•é (ˈsɪn i, ˈsɪn eɪ) n., pl. cin•es or cin•és. 1. a film; motion picture. 2. a motion-picture theater. [1920–25; < French ciné, short for cinéma cinema] cine- a combining form meaning “motion picture”: cinemicrography. [extracted from cinema] EncyclopediaSeecinecine-
cine- word element [Gr.], movement. See also words beginning kine-.cine- , cin- (sin'ĕ, sin), Movement, usually relating to motion pictures. See also: kin-. [G. kineō, to move] cine- , cin-Combining forms denoting movement, usually relating to motion pictures. [G. kineō, to move] |