释义 |
asymbolia[‚ā‚sim′bōl·ē·ə] (medicine) An aphasia in which there is an inability to understand or use acquired symbols, such as speech, writing, or gestures, as a means of communication. asymbolia
a·sym·bo·li·a (ā-sim-bō'lē-ă), A form of aphasia in which the significance of signs and symbols is not appreciated. Synonym(s): sight blindness [G. a- priv. + symbolon, an outward sign] a·sym·bo·li·a (ā-sim-bō'lē-ă) A form of aphasia in which the significance of signs and symbols is not appreciated. Synonym(s): asemasia, asemia. [G. a- priv. + symbolon, an outward sign]asymbolia (a?sim-bo'le-a) [ ¹an- + symbolon, a token, sign + -ia] Inability to comprehend words, gestures, or any type of symbol. Synonym: asemia See: aphasiapain asymboliaA rare neurological condition in which a person experiences pain, does not find it troubling, but is indifferent to it.asymbolia A form of APHASIA in which there is inability to interpret or use symbols such as words, gestures, numbers, diagrams, musical notation or any form of writing. See APHASIA. |