Bracht-Wachter bodies

Bracht-Wachter bodies

, Bracht-Wächter bodies (brokt'wok'ter) (brokht'vekh'ter) [Erich Franz Eugen Bracht, Ger. obstetrician and gynecologist, 1882–1969; Hermann Julius Gustav Wächter, Ger. physician, b. 1878] Microscopic collections of histiocytes and lymphocytes found in the heart muscle in patients with endocarditis. Synonym: Bracht-Wachter nodules


E., 20th century German pathologist. Bracht-Wächter bodies - myocardial microabscesses observed in the presence of bacterial endocarditis.Bracht-Wächter lesion - a focal collection of lymphocytes and mononuclear cells within the myocardium in bacterial endocarditis.


Herman J.G., German pathologist, 1878–. Bracht-Wächter bodies - see under BrachtBracht-Wächter lesion - see under Bracht