Englert, François
Englert, François,
1932–, Belgian theoretical physicist, Ph.D. Université libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B.), Brussels, 1959. He has been a professor at U.L.B. since 1964. Englert was the recipient, jointly with Peter W. HiggsHiggs, Peter Ware,1929–, British theoretical physicist, Ph.D. Kings College London, 1954. Higgs joined the faculty at the Univ. of Edinburgh in 1960. He was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics with François Englert for the theory of how particles acquire mass.
..... Click the link for more information. , of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for their theory of how particles acquire mass. Englert and Robert Brout (1928–2011), working independently of Higgs, and a third group of physicists, proposed in 1964 that particles acquire mass through interacting with what is now called the Higgs field. In 2012, the theory was validated when the predicted fundamental particle, known as the Higgs particle or Higgs boson, was discovered at the CERNCERN
or European Organization for Nuclear Research,
nuclear and particle physics research center straddling the French-Swiss border W of Geneva, Switzerland. Established in 1952 as the provisional European Center for Nuclear Research (the acronym CERN derives from this
..... Click the link for more information. laboratory in Switzerland. The work of Englert, Brout, Higgs, and others was key to describing how the universe is constructed, as it explains how elementary matter attains the mass to form everything from plants and animals to stars and planets. See also elementary particleselementary particles,
the most basic physical constituents of the universe. Basic Constituents of Matter
Molecules are built up from the atom, which is the basic unit of any chemical element. The atom in turn is made from the proton, neutron, and electron.
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