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ec·chy·mo·sis E0023500 (ĕk′ĭ-mō′sĭs)n. The passage of blood from ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue, marked by a purple discoloration of the skin. [New Latin, from Greek ekkhumōsis, extravasation, from ekkhumousthai, to extravasate : ek-, out; see ecto- + khumos, juice; see gheu- in Indo-European roots.] ec′chy·mot′ic (-mŏt′ĭk) adj.EncyclopediaSeeEcchymosisecchymotic
ec·chy·mot·ic (ek'i-mot'ik), Relating to an ecchymosis.ec·chy·mot·ic (ek-i-mot'ik) Relating to an ecchymosis. ecchymosis (ĕk-ĭ-mō′sĭs) plural.ecchymoses [″ + ″ + osis, condition] TRAUMATIC ECCHYMOSISSuperficial bleeding under the skin or a mucous membrane; a bruise. See: illustrationecchymotic (-mŏt′ĭk), adjectiveThesaurusSeeecchymosis |