

 [sing″gu-lot´ah-me] the creation of lesions in the gyrus cinguli using stereotactic techniques; the primary psychiatric indication for this procedure is relief of intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder. It may also be done for relief of intractable pain. Research about it is ongoing.


(sin'gyū-lot'ō-mē), Formerly, a unilateral or bilateral surgical excision of the anterior half of the cingulate gyrus, but now accomplished by electrolytic destruction of the anterior cingulate gyrus and callosum. Synonym(s): cingulectomy [cingulum + G. tomē, a cutting]


(sĭng′gyə-lŏt′ə-mē)n. Electrolytic destruction of the cortex and white matter of the cortical hemisphere and its connections.


(sing'gyū-lot'ŏ-mē) Electrolytic destruction of the anterior cingulate gyrus and callosum. [cingulum + G. tomē, a cutting]