Cinna, Lucius Cornelius
Cinna, Lucius Cornelius
Died 84 B.C. Roman political figure; ally of Gaius Marius.
After the departure of L. Sulla for Asia in 87, Cinna, who was a consul for that year, opposed the predominance of Sulla’s supporters. His tactics, however, were unsuccessful, and he was forced to flee to Campania, where there were Roman garrisons. Cinna raised a large army, which included Italici and slaves, and joined forces with Marius. The two leaders besieged and captured Rome, and Marius’ supporters took control of the state. Marius and Cinna were proclaimed consuls for 86. After Marius died in January of that year, Cinna assumed the leadership of Marius’ followers. Cinna was killed while suppressing a mutiny by his troops.