

单词 fff



(FreeForm Fabrication) See rapid manufacturing and 3D printing.


FFFFun Fun Fun
FFFFuneral for a Friend (song)
FFFFrench Football Federation (athletic association)
FFFFollow for Follow
FFFFantastic Film Festival (various locations)
FFFFédération Française de Football
FFFFreed from Fear
FFFFull Fathom Five
FFFForte Fortissimo (music; as loud as can be played)
FFFFive for Fighting (hockey; band)
FFFFuture of Freedom Foundation
FFFFun Fearless Female
FFFFree Form Fabrication
FFFFlat File Format
FFFFixed Font Format
FFFFirst Film Festival
FFFFound Footage Festival (comedy event)
FFFField-Flow Fractionation (molecular separation technique)
FFFFédération Française de Funk (French: French Federation of Funk; band)
FFFForm, Fit, Function
FFFFédération Française de la Franchise (French: French Franchise Federation)
FFFFuel Fabrication Facility
FFFFlicker Fusion Frequency (ophthalmological figure)
FFFFederation of Free Farmers
FFFFastest Finger First (gaming)
FFFFresh Film Fest (Czech Republic)
FFFFree French Forces
FFFFight for Freedom (gaming)
FFFFortune 500 Index (stock symbol)
FFFFamily Faith Formation (various organizations)
FFFFit for Fight
FFFFree from Finance (website)
FFFFederation of Flyfishers
FFFFrancophone Film Festival (various locations)
FFFFinished First Floor (architectural drawings)
FFFForum for Football
FFFFaithfully Fit Forever (exercise class)
FFFFly Fishing Florida
FFFFrance Flora Fauna (French nature program)
FFFFar from Finished (band)
FFFFunctional Foods Forum (various locations)
FFFFuture Fisherman Foundation (various locations)
FFFFuture Fighting Force (US Army)
FFFFourth Freedom Forum
FFFFive Friends Forever
FFFFine French Furniture (interior decorating)
FFFFloyd Fairness Fund (legal defense fund)
FFFFoundation for Florida's Future (think tank)
FFFFamily Foundation Fund (Nashville, TN)
FFFFilmfernsehfonds Bayern GmbH
FFFFast Forward Flight
FFFFinal Fantasy Fans (gaming)
FFFFox Football Fone-In
FFFFit, Form & Function (engineering)
FFFForced Family Fun
FFFFast Food Freestyle (song)
FFFForbidden Fruit Factor
FFFFrosty Freezy Freeze
FFFFeed-Forward Filter
FFFFédération Française Féline (French: French Feline Federation)
FFFFour Footed Friends, Inc. (Indiana, PA)
FFFFan Fold Foam
FFFFamily Friends Fools
FFFFlat Foreign Female
FFFFight for Fun (BF2 Clan)
FFFFlatland Film Festival (Lubbock, TX)
FFFFirm Financial Facility
FFFFloersheimer-Fayence-Fabrik (German porcelain factory)
FFFFounders, Friends, Family (finance)
FFFFinal Fantasy Freak (gaming)
FFFForming Futures Foundation (Colombia)
FFFFamily Force Five (band)
FFFFreeze Frame Fun
FFFFormulas Fatal to the Flesh (Morbid Angel album)
FFFFight for Five
FFFFortisissimo (music)
FFFFuturama Fan Forum (web forum)
FFFFertile Free Fuels
FFFFamily Friendly Forum
FFFFighting Fundamental Forums
FFFFrequency-Flat Fading
FFFFehntjer-Fußball-Freunde (Soccer fans, Germany)
FFFForum for Fåreskaller
FFFFirst Frame First
FFFFossil Fuel Foundation of Africa
FFFFreedom Fighter Force (gaming clan)
FFFFred Flintstone Format (mm/dd/yyyy date format)
FFFFast, Fun & Friendly (Target)
FFFForce Feed Forward
FFFFarmers Feeding Families
FFFFibular Free Flap
FFFFast Forward Financials
FFFFreedom Flag Foundation (Norway)
FFFFly Fish Fanatic (Brian Richterkessing: Atlanta, GA)
FFFFull Face Fit (mask)
FFFFirst Flight Foundation (formerly First Flight Centennial Foundation; North Carolina)
FFFFoundations for Farming (UK)
FFFFreight Forwarding Fundamentals
FFFFriends for Future




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