Acronym | Definition |
FFF➣Fun Fun Fun |
FFF➣Funeral for a Friend (song) |
FFF➣French Football Federation (athletic association) |
FFF➣Follow for Follow |
FFF➣Fantastic Film Festival (various locations) |
FFF➣Fédération Française de Football |
FFF➣Freed from Fear |
FFF➣Full Fathom Five |
FFF➣Forte Fortissimo (music; as loud as can be played) |
FFF➣Five for Fighting (hockey; band) |
FFF➣Future of Freedom Foundation |
FFF➣Fun Fearless Female |
FFF➣Free Form Fabrication |
FFF➣Flat File Format |
FFF➣Fixed Font Format |
FFF➣First Film Festival |
FFF➣Found Footage Festival (comedy event) |
FFF➣Field-Flow Fractionation (molecular separation technique) |
FFF➣Fédération Française de Funk (French: French Federation of Funk; band) |
FFF➣Form, Fit, Function |
FFF➣Fédération Française de la Franchise (French: French Franchise Federation) |
FFF➣Fuel Fabrication Facility |
FFF➣Flicker Fusion Frequency (ophthalmological figure) |
FFF➣Federation of Free Farmers |
FFF➣Fastest Finger First (gaming) |
FFF➣Fresh Film Fest (Czech Republic) |
FFF➣Free French Forces |
FFF➣Fight for Freedom (gaming) |
FFF➣Fortune 500 Index (stock symbol) |
FFF➣Family Faith Formation (various organizations) |
FFF➣Fit for Fight |
FFF➣Free from Finance (website) |
FFF➣Federation of Flyfishers |
FFF➣Francophone Film Festival (various locations) |
FFF➣Finished First Floor (architectural drawings) |
FFF➣Forum for Football |
FFF➣Faithfully Fit Forever (exercise class) |
FFF➣Fly Fishing Florida |
FFF➣France Flora Fauna (French nature program) |
FFF➣Far from Finished (band) |
FFF➣Functional Foods Forum (various locations) |
FFF➣Future Fisherman Foundation (various locations) |
FFF➣Future Fighting Force (US Army) |
FFF➣Fourth Freedom Forum |
FFF➣Five Friends Forever |
FFF➣Fine French Furniture (interior decorating) |
FFF➣Floyd Fairness Fund (legal defense fund) |
FFF➣Foundation for Florida's Future (think tank) |
FFF➣Family Foundation Fund (Nashville, TN) |
FFF➣Filmfernsehfonds Bayern GmbH |
FFF➣Fast Forward Flight |
FFF➣Final Fantasy Fans (gaming) |
FFF➣Fox Football Fone-In |
FFF➣Fit, Form & Function (engineering) |
FFF➣Forced Family Fun |
FFF➣Fast Food Freestyle (song) |
FFF➣Forbidden Fruit Factor |
FFF➣Frosty Freezy Freeze |
FFF➣Feed-Forward Filter |
FFF➣Fédération Française Féline (French: French Feline Federation) |
FFF➣Four Footed Friends, Inc. (Indiana, PA) |
FFF➣Fan Fold Foam |
FFF➣Family Friends Fools |
FFF➣Flat Foreign Female |
FFF➣Fight for Fun (BF2 Clan) |
FFF➣Flatland Film Festival (Lubbock, TX) |
FFF➣Firm Financial Facility |
FFF➣Floersheimer-Fayence-Fabrik (German porcelain factory) |
FFF➣Founders, Friends, Family (finance) |
FFF➣Final Fantasy Freak (gaming) |
FFF➣Forming Futures Foundation (Colombia) |
FFF➣Family Force Five (band) |
FFF➣Freeze Frame Fun |
FFF➣Formulas Fatal to the Flesh (Morbid Angel album) |
FFF➣Fight for Five |
FFF➣Fortisissimo (music) |
FFF➣Futurama Fan Forum (web forum) |
FFF➣Fertile Free Fuels |
FFF➣Family Friendly Forum |
FFF➣Fighting Fundamental Forums |
FFF➣Frequency-Flat Fading |
FFF➣Fehntjer-Fußball-Freunde (Soccer fans, Germany) |
FFF➣Forum for Fåreskaller |
FFF➣First Frame First |
FFF➣Fossil Fuel Foundation of Africa |
FFF➣Freedom Fighter Force (gaming clan) |
FFF➣Fred Flintstone Format (mm/dd/yyyy date format) |
FFF➣Fast, Fun & Friendly (Target) |
FFF➣Force Feed Forward |
FFF➣Farmers Feeding Families |
FFF➣Fibular Free Flap |
FFF➣Fast Forward Financials |
FFF➣Freedom Flag Foundation (Norway) |
FFF➣Fly Fish Fanatic (Brian Richterkessing: Atlanta, GA) |
FFF➣Full Face Fit (mask) |
FFF➣First Flight Foundation (formerly First Flight Centennial Foundation; North Carolina) |
FFF➣Foundations for Farming (UK) |
FFF➣Freight Forwarding Fundamentals |
FFF➣Friends for Future |