compound option

Compound option

Option on an option.

Compound Option

An option contract on an option contract. There are four basic types: a call on a call; a put on a call; a call on a put; and a put on a put. A compound option has two expiration dates and two strikes. There are also two premiums: one paid up front and the other paid if the underlying option is exercised. It is often used in markets where there are doubts on the risk for the underlying option, such as currency or fixed income markets. It is also called a split-fee option.

compound option

An option to purchase an option. Examples include, a call on a call option or a call on a put option. A fee must be paid to buy a compound option and a second payment must be made to the owner of the option in the event the compound option is exercised. Also called split-fee option. See also back fee, front fee.