CASMCertified Agile Service Manager (course)
CASMCommunications and System Management
CASMCost per Available Seat Mile
CASMCoalition for American Solar Manufacturing (trade organization)
CASMCenter for Advanced Sustainable Management (Cologne Business School; Germany)
CASMCommunities and Small-scale Mining
CASMCanadian Academy of Sports Medicine
CASMCognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology (behavioral science)
CASMContingency Acquisition Support Model (software)
CASMCertificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics (Univeristy of Cambridge, UK)
CASMCommunications Asset Survey and Mapping
CASMCoherent Adaptive Subcarrier Modulation
CASMCanadian Association for Safe Motorcycling
CASMClose Air Support Missile
CASMCoordinated Abatement Strategy Model (Stockholm Environment Institute)
CASMCombined Alarm-Status Monitor (electronic circuits)
CASMCompounded Average over Starting Months
CASMCombat Alignment System Manual
CASMCentral Aircraft Systems Management
CASMCorps Artificer Sergeant Major (UK)
CASMCourt Appointed Special Monitor (foster children)