释义 |
Agag (ā`găg), in the Bible. 1 King of the Amalekites who was defeated and spared by Saul, but killed by Samuel. 2 The allusion is not understood as it occurs in the Book of Numbers.Agagmutilated by Samuel to requite Israelite slaughter. [O.T.: I Samuel 15:33]See: VengeanceAGAG
Acronym | Definition |
AGAG➣As Good as Gold (Woodridge IL golden retriever rescue organization) | AGAG➣Animated GIF Artists Guild | AGAG➣Africa Grantmakers Affinity Group (Warrenton, VA) | AGAG➣As Good As Grass Ltd. (UK) | AGAG➣Atlanta Glass Art Guild (Atlanta, GA) | AGAG➣Arkansas Gospel Announcers Guild (Little Rock, AR) |