Agaian, Tsatur Pavlovich

Agaian, Tsatur Pavlovich


Born Dec. 30, 1911 (Jan. 12, 1912). Soviet historian, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR (1968).

Agaian graduated from the history department of the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature, and History (MIFLI) in 1938. In 1948 he defended his doctoral dissertation, entitled Peasant Reform in Azerbaijan (Baku, 1956). He was chief of the science department of the Armenian Communist Party Central Committee from 1951 to 1954, and from 1961 to 1968 he was director of the Armenian Branch of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In April 1968 he became academic secretary of the social science department of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR. His main research has been in the history of social thought, agrarian relations in the 19th century, the history of the revolutionary movement, and socialist construction.


[Aghayan, Dz. B.] Revoliyutzion sharzhumnere Hayasdanum 1905–1907 t’t’. Yerevan, 1955.
Hoktemberiyan revoliyutzian yev hay zhoghovrdi azadagrume. Yerevan, 1957.
Hay yev adrbedjanagan zhoghovrtneri daravor baregamutiune. Yerevan, 1961.
Aghayan, Dz. B., and Y. M. Khaleyan. Urvagdzer Sovedagan Hayasdani batmutiyan, br. 3, 1935–1945. Yerevan, 1960.
Armianskaia SSR. Moscow, 1960.
Velikii Oktiabr’ i bor’ba trudiashchikhsia Armenii za pobedy Sovetskoi vlasti. Yerevan, 1962.
Ocherki istorii KP Armenii. Yerevan, 1967. (Jointly with others.)