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brady-pref. Slow: bradycardia. [Greek bradu-, from bradus, slow.]brady- combining form indicating slowness: bradycardia. [from Greek bradus slow]Bra•dy (ˈbreɪ di) n. 1. James Buchanan ( “Diamond Jim” ), 1856–1917, U.S. financier, noted for conspicuously extravagant living. 2. Mathew B., 1823?–96, U.S. photographer, esp. of the Civil War. brady- a combining form meaning “slow”: bradycardia. [< Greek, comb. form of bradýs slow, heavy] brady-
brady- word element [Gr.], slow.brady- (brad'ē), Slow. [G. bradys, slow] brady- A widely used root for slow; from the Greek bradys, slow.brady- Greek root for slowbrady- Combining form meaning slow. [G. bradys, slow]brady- Combining form denoting slow.brady- prefix denoting slowness.brady-Combining form meaning slow.[G. bradys, slow]BRADY-
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