Cassius Longinus, Gaius

Cassius Longinus, Gaius


Year of birth unknown; died 42 B.C. in Philippi. Roman military and political figure. From the plebeian Cassius family. Tribune of the plebeians in 49, praetor in 44.

Cassius fought in the Parthian campaign of M. Licinius Crassus in 53. In the civil war of 49–45 he joined the side of Pomey, but after the battle of Pharsalus (48) he left this side and was pardoned by Caesar. In 44 he was one of the organizers of the assassination of Caesar. On orders of the Senate, Cassius fought a war against Dolabella, Caesar’s proconsul in Syria. After the formation of the second triumvirate in 43, Cassius allied himself with M. Brutus against the triumvirs. He committed suicide after being defeated in the battle of Philippi (42).