ascending cervical artery

as·cend·ing cer·vi·cal ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, usually a terminal branch of the thyrocervical trunk (along with interior thyroid artery); distribution, lateral muscles of neck and spinal cord; anastomoses, branches of vertebral, occipital, ascending pharyngeal, and deep cervical. Synonym(s): arteria cervicalis ascendens [TA], cervicalis ascendens (2)

as·cend·ing cer·vi·cal ar·te·ry

(ă-send'ing sĕr'vi-kăl ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, usually a terminal branch of the thyrocervical trunk (along with interior thyroid artery); distribution, muscles of neck and spinal cord; anastomoses, branches of vertebral, occipital, ascending pharyngeal, and deep cervical.
Synonym(s): arteria cervicalis ascendens.

ascending cervical artery

A small branch of the inferior thyroid artery; it runs up along the cervical vertebrae and provides blood to adjacent neck muscles.See also: artery