anal columns

a·nal col·umns

[TA] a number of vertical ridges in the mucous membrane of the upper half of the anal canal formed as the caliber of the canal is sharply reduced from that of the rectal ampulla. Synonym(s): columnae anales [TA], Morgagni columns, rectal columns

a·nal col·umns

(ā'năl kol'ŭmz) [TA] Vertical ridges in the mucous membrane of the upper half of the anal canal that are formed as the caliber of the canal is sharply reduced fromthat of the rectal ampulla.
Synonym(s): columnae anales [TA] , Morgagni columns, rectal columns.


Giovanni Battista, Italian anatomist and pathologist, 1682-1771. frenulum of Morgagni - a fold running from the junction of the two commissures of the ileocecal valve on either side along the inner wall of the cecocolic junction. Synonym(s): frenulum of ileocecal valve; Morgagni frenum; Morgagni retinaculumMorgagni appendix - an inconstant narrow lobe of the thyroid gland. Synonym(s): pyramidal lobe of thyroid glandMorgagni cartilage - a small nonarticulating rod of elastic cartilage in the aryepiglottic fold anterolateral and somewhat superior to the corniculate cartilage. Synonym(s): cuneiform cartilage; Morgagni tubercleMorgagni caruncle - middle lobe of prostate.Morgagni cataract - a hypermature cataract in which the nucleus gravitates within the capsule. Synonym(s): sedimentary cataractMorgagni columns - a number of vertical ridges in the mucous membrane of the upper half of the anal canal. Synonym(s): anal columnsMorgagni concha - the upper thin, spongy, bony plate projecting from the lateral wall of the nasal cavity, separating the superior meatus from the sphenoethmoidal recess. Synonym(s): superior nasal conchaMorgagni crypts - the grooves between the anal columns. Synonym(s): anal sinusesMorgagni disease - Synonym(s): Adams-Stokes syndromeMorgagni foramen - congenital defect in the fusion of sternal and costal elements of the diaphragmatic anlage that is the site of a parasternal hernia. Synonym(s): foramen cecum of tongueMorgagni fossa - the terminal dilated portion of the urethra in the glans penis. Synonym(s): Morgagni fovea; navicular fossa of the urethraMorgagni fovea - Synonym(s): Morgagni fossaMorgagni frenum - Synonym(s): frenulum of MorgagniMorgagni globules - vesicles beneath the capsule and between lens fibers in an early cataract. Synonym(s): Morgagni spheresMorgagni herniaMorgagni humor - Synonym(s): Morgagni liquorMorgagni hydatid - a vestigial remnant of the embryonic mesonephric duct. Synonym(s): vesicular appendices of uterine tubeMorgagni lacuna - one of a number of little recesses in the mucous membrane of the spongy urethra into which empty the ducts of the urethral glands. Synonym(s): urethral lacunaMorgagni liquor - a fluid found postmortem between the epithelium and the fibers of the lens, resulting from the liquefaction of a semifluid material existing there during life. Synonym(s): Morgagni humorMorgagni nodule - a nodule at the center of the free border of each semilunar valve at the beginning of the pulmonary artery and aorta. Synonym(s): nodule of semilunar valveMorgagni prolapse - chronic inflammation of laryngeal ventricle.Morgagni retinaculum - Synonym(s): frenulum of MorgagniMorgagni sinus - Synonym(s): anal sinuses; laryngeal ventricle; prostatic utricleMorgagni spheres - Synonym(s): Morgagni globulesMorgagni syndrome - hyperostosis frontalis interna in elderly women, with obesity and neuropsychiatric disorders. Synonym(s): metabolic craniopathy; Stewart-Morel syndromeMorgagni tubercle - Synonym(s): Morgagni cartilageMorgagni valves - delicate crescent-shaped mucosal folds that pass between the lower ends of neighboring anal columns. Synonym(s): anal valvesMorgagni ventricle - the recess in each lateral wall of the larynx between the vestibular and vocal folds and into which the laryngeal sacculus opens. Synonym(s): laryngeal ventricleMorgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome - Synonym(s): Adams-Stokes syndromemorgagnian cyst - a vestigial remnant of the embryonic mesonephric duct. Synonym(s): vesicular appendices of uterine tube