Ermolai Chetvertakov

Chetvertakov, Ermolai Vasil’evich


Born 1781 in the village of Nefedovka, Chernigov Province; date and place of death unknown. Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812; soldier.

The son of a serf, Chetvertakov fought in the war against France between 1805 and 1807. In the initial stage of the Patriotic War of 1812, he served in the Kiev Dragoon Regiment of the rear guard commanded by General P. P. Konovnitsyn. After being taken prisoner near Tsarevo Zaimishche on August 19, he escaped, organized a partisan detachment of approximately 50 peasants from Gzhatsk District, Smolensk Province, and conducted raids against small enemy groups.

In the village of Basmany, which had become its base of operations, the detachment grew to 300 men. Chetvertakov taught the men marksmanship, organized patrols and guard duty, and led attacks against enemy troops. Near the village of Skugarevaia, at the head of 4,000 peasants, he defeated a French battalion that was supported by artillery. He subsequently liberated all of Gzhatsk District. After rejoining his regiment in November, he was awarded the Military Order badge and became a noncommissioned officer. Chetvertakov later fought in the foreign campaigns of 1813–14.