circular fibers

cir·cu·lar fi·bers

the circular fibers of the ciliary muscle. Synonym(s): fibrae circulares [TA], Müller fibers (1) , Müller muscle (2) , Rouget muscle

circular fibers

Collagen bundles in the gingiva that surround a tooth.See also: fiber


Heinrich, German anatomist, 1820-1864. Müller fibers - (1) circular fibers - (2) sustentacular neuroglial cells of the retina. Synonym(s): Müller radial cellsMüller muscle - Synonym(s): circular fibers; orbitalis muscle; superior tarsal muscleMüller radial cells - Synonym(s): Müller fibers (2)Müller trigone - the floor of the supraoptic recess of the third ventricle.


Charles M.B., French physiologist, 1824-1904. Rouget cell - a cell with several slender processes that embraces the capillary wall in amphibia. Synonym(s): capillary pericyteRouget muscle - the circular fibers of the ciliary muscle. Synonym(s): circular fibersRouget-Neumann sheath - the amorphous ground substance between an osteocyte and the lacunar or canalicular wall.

cir·cum·fer·en·tial fi·bers

(sĭrkŭm-fĕr-enshăl fībĕrz) Fibers in free gingiva that encircle neck of the tooth.
Synonym(s): circular fibers.