Castle Rock State Park

Castle Rock State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:2.5 miles south of junction of Highways 9 & 35 on Skyline Road.
Facilities:23 primitive backpacking campsites, picnic areas, trails (32 miles).
Activities:Camping, hiking, horseback riding, rock climbing.
Special Features:Situated along the crest of the Santa Cruz Mountains, the park retainsa wild and natural atmosphere of steep canyons with interesting rockformations and a dense, mossy forest of coast redwood, Douglas fir, andmadrone. The park's trails are part of a more extensive system that links theSanta Clara and San Lorenzo valleys with Castle Rock State Park, Big Basin Redwoods State Park(see separate entry), and the Pacific Coast.
Address:c/o Santa Cruz District Office
303 Big Trees Park Rd
Felton, CA 95018

Size: 5,242 acres. Elevation: 3,215 feet.

See other parks in California.

Castle Rock State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Northwestern Illinois, 3 miles south of Oregon on Highway 2 in Ogle County.
Facilities:Primitive canoe camping area; 3 picnic areas with shelters,playgrounds, toilets, and drinking water; hiking trails (6 miles); boatramp. Additional campsites, picnic areas, and trails are planned.
Activities:Boating, canoeing, fishing, hiking, hunting (limited), cross-country skiing, sledding.
Special Features:Park lies along the west bank of the Rock River and is representativeof the Rock River Hills area, with rock formations, ravines, and uniquenorthern plant associations. Castle Rock is a large sandstone buttesituated between Rock River and Highway 2. The rock is made up of SaintPeter sandstone and is one of the few places in Illinois where thistype of sandstone comes to the surface, even though it underlies almostthe whole state.
Address:1365 W Castle Rd
Oregon, IL 61061

Size: 1,995 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.