branches of auriculotemporal nerve to tympanic membrane

branches of au·ric·u·lo·tem·po·ral nerve to tym·pan·ic mem·brane

[TA] sensory branch of the auriculotemporal nerve (from CN V3) supplying the external surface of the tympanic membrane. Synonym(s): rami membranae tympani nervi auriculotemporalis [TA], nerve of tympanic membrane

branch·es of au·ric·u·lo·tem·po·ral nerve to tym·pan·ic mem·brane

(branchĕz ahr-tikyū-lō-tempŏr-ăl nĕrv tim-panik membrān) [TA] Sensory branch of the auriculotemporal nerve (from CN V3) supplying external surface of the tympanic membrane.