Dixon Springs State Park

Dixon Springs State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Southern Illinois, 10 miles west of Golconda on IL 146 near its junction with IL 145.
Facilities:Class B trailer camping area with electricity available, 10 primitivecamping sites, 3 picnic areas, 2 picnic shelters, playgrounds, drinkingwater, swimming pool, bathhouse, 45-foot water slide, concession stand,2 hiking trails, 2 basketball courts, 2 volleyball courts, 3 horshoepits, archery range.
Activities:Camping, swimming, hiking, hunting, basketball, volleyball, archery.
Special Features:Park is located in the Illinois Shawnee Hills and sits on a giant block of rock that was dropped 200 feet along afault line extending across Polk County. This part of the state was once an IndianReservation, but all of the Indians were gone by the 1830s. During the 19th century, Dixon Springs became ahealth spa, with visitors attracted to its seven springs ofmineral-enriched water.
Address:RR 2, Box 178
Golconda, IL 62938

Web: dnr.state.il.us/Lands/Landmgt/PARKS/R5/DIXON.HTM
Size: 801 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.