Davis's Birthday
Davis's (Jefferson) Birthday
Davis's memory is honored by many white southerners in the United States, and his birthday (June 3) is a legal holiday in Alabama and Florida. In Mississippi the observance is combined with Memorial Day. In Texas it is observed as Confederate Memorial Day, a time when the graves of Confederate soldiers are decorated and memorial ceremonies are held.
At Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, the Confederate Memorial Services are held each year on the Sunday nearest June 3, and a speaker usually pays tribute to those who died while serving the Confederacy. Another important ceremony is the Massing of the Flags, which is held at the Jefferson Davis Monument in Richmond, Virginia. The flags of the various Southern states are presented in the order in which they seceded from the nation.
AmerBkDays-2000, pp. 150, 418
AnnivHol-2000, p. 95
DictDays-1988, p. 61