Castracani, Castruccio

Castracani, Castruccio

(kästro͞ot`chō kästräkä`nē), 1281–1328, duke of Lucca. His early life was spent in exile. After his return he was made captain (1316), then lord of Lucca (1320) for life. In the political wars that plagued Italy in the 14th cent. he led the Ghibellines of all Tuscany (see Guelphs and GhibellinesGuelphs and Ghibellines
, opposing political factions in Germany and in Italy during the later Middle Ages. The names were used to designate the papal (Guelph) party and the imperial (Ghibelline) party during the long struggle between popes and emperors, and they were also used
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), waged long wars against Florence, and conquered Volterra, Pistoia, and the Lunigiana. In 1327, Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV recognized him as duke of Lucca. After quelling a rebellion in Pistoia, he died. His principality disappeared with him.