Davydov, Karl Iulevich

Davydov, Karl Iul’evich


also K. Iu. Davidov). Born Mar. 3 (15). 1838, in Kuldiga, in the present-day Latvian SSR; died Feb. 14 (26). 1889, in Moscow. Russian cellist, teacher, and composer.

Davydov was born into the family of a doctor, who was a talented amateur violinist. Davydov took cello lessons from G. Schmitt and C. Schuberth. He graduated from the department of physics and mathematics of Moscow University and studied for some time with M. Hauptmann (theory of composition). During the years 1860–62 he was professor at the conservatory and leader of the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig. From 1862 to 1887 he was a professor and after 1887, director at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. He performed solo concerts in Russia and abroad, played in the quartet of the Russian Musical Society, was a soloist in the orchestra of the Italian Opera in St. Petersburg (1862–82), and conducted symphonic concerts. Davydov was a founder of the Russian cello school, which won international recognition. Among his students were A. . V. Verzhbilovich, A. E. Glen, V. P. Gutor, and S. Ia. Morozov. He wrote School Book for Cello (vol. I, 1888), four concerti and numerous pieces for the cello, art songs, instrumental chamber compositions, and the symphonic poem Gifts of the Terek.


Ginzburg, L. K. Iu. Davydov. Moscow-Leningrad. 1950.
Gutor, V. K. Iu. Davydov kak osnovatel’ shkoly [violonchel’noiigry]. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.