Dawud Pasha

Dawud Pasha


Born 1767; died 1851, in Medina. Last Mameluke ruler of Iraq (1817–31).

Formally recognizing the suzerainty of the Turkish sultan, Dawud Pasha pursued an independent internal and foreign policy. He reorganized the army on the model of those in Europe, opened the country’s first printing house, and implemented a monopoly on the buying up and exportation of principal items of agricultural production. He attempted to use the Russo-Turkish war of 1828–29 to obtain complete independence. He was defeated in the war with Turkey, which started in 1830, and was deposed in September 1831.


Adamov, A. Irak Arabskii... St. Petersburg, 1912.
Izzidien, Yousif. Dawud Basha, wa-nihayat al-mamalik fi al-Iraq. (Dawud Pasha and the End of the Mamelukes in Iraq.) Baghdad, 1967.