Branting, Karl Hjalmar

Branting, Karl Hjalmar


Born Nov. 23, 1860, in Stockholm; died there Feb. 24, 1925. Swedish politician and statesman; one of the founders (in 1889) and leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden (SDPS) and of the Second International, and an opportunist.

From 1887 to 1917 (with interruptions), Branting was editor of the SDPS Central Organization’s newspaper, Social-Demokraten. From 1896 he was a deputy in the Riksdag. After 1907 he was chairman of the Executive Committee of the SDPS. In 1920, 1921–23, and 1924–25 he was prime minister. Branting led the SDPS in a reformist program and fought with the revolutionary wing of the party (A. Palm, A. Danielson, Z. Höglund). He greeted the Great October Socialistic Revolution with hostility. He participated in the creation of the opportunistic Berne International.


Tal och skrifter i urval, vols. 1–11. Stockholm, 1927–30.